
16,600 Kyats

Medoxycin Injection

This medicine is prescription only medicine (POM ) and required under medical supervision .
ဤဆေးသည် POM ဆေးအုပ်စုတွင်ပါဝင်သောကြောင့် ဆရာဝန်ညွှန်ကြားချက်အတိုင်းသာ သုံးစွဲသင့်ပါသည် ။


Oxytocin is in a class of medications called oxytocic hormones. It works by stimulating uterine contractions.

It is indicated for
(1) induction of labor in patients with a medical indication for the initiation of labor, such as Rh problems, maternal diabetes, preeclampsia at or near term, when delivery is in the best interests of mother and fetus or when membranes are prematurely ruptured and delivery is indicated;
(2) stimulation or reinforcement of labor, as in selected cases of uterine inertia;
(3) as adjunctive therapy in the management of incomplete or inevitable abortion.
It also indicated to produce uterine contractions during the third stage of labor and to control postpartum bleeding or hemorrhage.

The initial dose should be 0.5-1 mU/min (equal to 3-6 mL of the dilute oxytocin solution per hour).
At 30-60 minute intervals the dose should be gradually increased in increments of 1-2 mU/min until the desired contraction pattern has been established.
Once the desired frequency of contractions has been reached and labor has progressed to 5-6 cm dilation, the dose may be reduced by similar increments.
(or ) Dosage directed by the doctor.